When your online customer is reaching for their credit card, the last thing you want is for the experience to be anything less than brilliant.
When your online customer is reaching for their credit card, the last thing you want is for the experience to be anything less than brilliant.
Online payments
Whether they are transacting online, in app or via a payment link, our online payments solution is designed to provide a world-class customer journey that keeps customers on your website to pay – speeding up the process and reducing the chances of them abandoning their cart at the last minute.
Our online payment fields are easy for any business to add to its website or app, to provide a fully branded checkout journey that captures card details securely.
All of your online transactions can be viewed and managed within your software platform alongside your other ClearAccept payment channels – giving you clarity and transparency across the business.
Our online payment solutions are all PSD2 SCA compliant from a PCI DSS Level 1 company, and undergo our active fraud monitoring process so that both you and your customers are protected.
Online payments
Increase the likelihood of being paid on time with recurring payments – the simple, admin-free way of collecting payment for monthly subscriptions and invoices.
In addition, recurring payments creates opportunities to offer new products and services, or move towards a new business model, meaning you can easily grow your business while giving customers the ultimate in convenient payment options.
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